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Margret Treiber – ICC Magazine

The Proper Use of AI in Art

Article images prompted by Margret A. Treiber (Cover image “Robot Painting at an Easel” (Prompt by Eric Griffith; Generated on Midjourney) From PCMag October 18, 2022) While the debate about AI rages on, one can see the pros and cons of both sides of the argument. And really, it’s not a two-sided debate, rather it’s multifaceted. Like doing an internet…

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Dairy Palace

Rage. That’s all Plugger could register. Fiery, burning rage filled Plugger’s soul down to the deepest crevice, the darkest corner. He wanted to scream, but convention would not allow for such an outburst.  He had to swallow it, deep, and bottle it inside as it sizzled and eroded his existence into gray misery. “Just answer the question, Junior.”  Detective Dan…

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