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COSPLAY is Cool – ICC Magazine


What is this thing called Cosplay?

Well, it has the official definition which is a Japanese word meaning “costume play”. It’s the art of transforming yourself into a character from pop culture, like the ones appearing in books, TV, and even online games. How popular is Cosplay, well, lets put it this way, it’s phenomenal and knows absolutely No Limits. It’s a worldwide phenomenon, it truly is.

It’s also very relaxing when you’re done making or getting your costume done for wear and display. I’ve seen most of the cosplay that I’m aware of at conventions. It’s big, very big. Cosplay has become so adventurous now that Contests have been around for years.

There are so many different categories and variations to this thing that it seems almost impossible to keep up with. There are way too many categories and variations for me to discuss in one article, but I’ll touch on what I’ve encountered for myself.

I’ve been cosplaying myself for about 10 years or so now. I can still remember my very first attempt at cosplay, man, let me tell you it was kind of pathetic if I do say so myself. I think when I first tried it I just wanted to imitate what I had seen on tv or something. I had put together some aluminum foil for gauntlets, cut up an old shirt and inset eye-holes for a mask and sweatshirt and sweatpants. It was horrible. But I enjoyed it, and that’s really what it is all about Enjoying it. So, for this article I want to focus on the enjoyment of cosplay and some of the people I’ve met over the years who also enjoy it.

I’m going to be posting a lot of pictures of cosplay and events that friends and I have attended, and of some you tube movies that we’ve made, in no order. This is going to be a blast, and it’s going to be a lot of it, so get ready.



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