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ICC Article#112 Sarah Cowan-Bennett – ICC Magazine

ICC Article#112 Sarah Cowan-Bennett

Baker’s ICC Article #112 Sarah Cowan-Bennett

Hello everyone, We managed to find one more spectacular cosplayer to go into our upcoming epic cosplay magazine.  Sarah Cowan-Bennett is an amazing coplayer and She constantly is rocking the Cosplays that She does. A friend to many on the cosplay scene, I had the chance to meet Her at one of the many cons that are done in the Orlando Area. She is so very talented and does way more than just Cosplay. A lot of other cosplayers know Sarah and are always happy when She shows up at the conventions. A friendly and very outgoing individual She always has a smile and the fans love taking photographs of Her as well.   Sara is also a member of TCC, The Cosplay Connection on face book has many posts in that group as well. She has Her own pages which She will drop at the end of this article and always has a lot of interaction and activity. Here is Her Bio as told by Herself:

I got into cosplaying when I went to my very first convention in August of 2007, right before I started my first year in high school. It was at Anime Festival of Orlando 2007 and I realized I found my happy place and heaven. Seeing all the cosplayers and celebs for the first time in my life, inspired me to become a cosplayer because I never knew true freedom except through cosplay. I have been doing it now for 16 years and I’m still learning every day. Any newcomers or new creators can learn this: don’t feel bad if you can’t always make it from scratch.

I’ve made cosplays from scratch, done closet cosplay, modified old cosplays and bought cosplays. Cosplaying should give you the sense of freedom of being yourself without any judgement of what a skill level is. Cosplay because you love to cosplay and remember that cosplay is for everyone. What I enjoy most is seeing the designs I have come to life. For example, my walking dead oc and Daryl’s missing wife Darla Dixon. That outfit came to me in a dream, and immediately the moment I woke up the next day, I had to design it and I had to make it. That has been my most known cosplay to this day in the past 8 years. That cosplay is getting me closer to my bigger goals and now I have a fan film in the works. I’m currently working on my Helluva Boss oc and working to upgrade my Kingdom Hearts OC as well.       ICC thanks you for being a superb cosplayer and a friend of the cosplay community, Sarah!  We wish you much success.

Here are the links you can see more of Her:  FB: Sarah Serenity Magical Cosplay IG: sarahserenity117 Twitter: @SarahSerenity17 TikTok: sarahserenity117


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