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An Interview With Mike Seers – ICC Magazine

An Interview With Mike Seers

Ladies and gentlemen, straight out of Colorado, feast your eyes on the 90’s inspired edgy stylings of cartoon network and good old black and white underground cartoons. Without further adieu, creator of Rabbit-man and Mouse-man, a self-publishing machine, compulsive cartoonist and good friend of mine, Mike Seers.

Me: So what’s up with the anthropomorphic animals?

Mike: Anthropomorphic animals have always been great for story telling. It’s kinda like if you see a news story about a person being hit with a car it makes you sad, but if it’s an animal the whole world stops. It’s also nice to remind people that we aren’t so different from animals also people never seem to question it, cause whenever you see bugs bunny walking around with a shotgun something just clicks, ya know.

Also furries. They do make up a large group of the comic demographic.
Me: What exactly is it about the comic book format that initially grabbed you?
Mike: Comics grabbed me from a young age when I saw a Sunday paper my dad brought in. Peanuts especially. They just really spoke to me, ya know. Not to mention with the so so nature of my childhood they allowed me to have a decent escape from things and just being in my own head. When I left home I got a chance to read a lot of the comics my mom wouldn’t allow me to read (Hellblazer, Preacher, Cerebus, etc) and I guess it’s also the high you get whenever you make something and get to see it also be an escape for others or to inspire people.
Me: You have a pretty flexible contract with Lesser Known Comics… I’m not jealous at all… how did that come about?
Mike: I heard about LKC from a post on Instagram about indie comics around 2021 and I got in touch with them and they really liked my stuff. After going back and forth with them for like 2 years and some change and around the time I finished the first series of Rabbit-Man I decided to do couple stories for them before moving fully over to Mouse-Man. If there’s one thing they like about me it’s my work ethic and so far it’s been a really nice relationship.
Me: How many books in total have you put out at this point?
Mike: More than I care to mention. I honestly don’t know an exact number but it’s around like 20. 3 series and 17 shorts and one offs. I honestly think it’s more than that. If anyone wants to scavenge the Internet and tell me that would be awesome.
Me: I noticed you’ve been extending your reach in to brick and mortar stores, where can people find your stuff?
Mike: Well I haven’t gotten that far with actual stores but right now all of Rabbit-Man, Mouse-Man and some other stuff of mine is on Amazon and Rabbit-Man Returns #1 is available for preorder on the Lesser Known Comics website.
Follow this link to find the latest Mouse Man book on Amazon:

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