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Baker’s Article #109 Tabares Peake – ICC Magazine

Baker’s Article #109 Tabares Peake

ICC Article #109.

We are proud to present our very first article for 2024, and I am pleased to say that this honor goes to Tabares Peake. He is an amazing Cosplayer and an all around terrific guy! He also has many posts on our cosplay website TCC ( The Cosplay Connection ). Tabares has also appeared in a lot number of TCC’S You tube movies as well, playing many popular characters for our films and parodies. I’ve known “T” as I like to call Him for over 5 years now, in fact I met Him and Nick Scranton at the very same convention when they walked past my booth. I asked if I could take their photo and the rest, as they say, was history. We all instantly gravitated to each other and the cosplay chemistry was there ! T and the others and I discovered that we enjoyed a whole lot of the same type of cosplay and sci fi in general. We then started attending conventions together and even hanging out. We had the pleasure of being guests at quite a few events the following years, and were repeat requested guests here and there. T has always been a  people person and every time He was in cosplay people always wanted to take His Pic and talk to Him, they were always  giving him numerous compliments. He is always friendly and shared many jokes with the public while cosplaying. T has a winning personality and everyone who met Him would notice that.  He would give advice on how to make costumes, where to get some materials made at and they always wanted Him to take pics with both the parents And the kids as well, the Kids loved His Ranger Outfits and He bought back a lot of good memories for those adults who enjoyed that arena as well. When we would film our TCC Movie T was usually the most agile and nimble when it came to Kicks and fighting, made the rest of us look bad most of the time.  I can honestly say we always had a good time when the “crew” would get together for a photoshoot or movie making. Here is His Bio:

What inspired me to get into cosplay was I wanted to do something different in my life besides working all the time. I need a hobby that help me get far in life so I didn’t know what cosplay was till 2018. I was on facebook one day and saw small events in Sanford, so I already had a white power rangers costume and decide to try it out. I almost didn’t make the event from over sleeping but I still managed to get there an hour before it ended where I meet a good friend of mine that we are still friends till this day past 5 years. As time went by I start to going to more events even my first Megacon. When I say it was a whole different world and experience how so many people come together from every race, every culture come together have fun in peace and I thought to myself why can’t we share the same love we do in cosplay on the outside world, but cosplay has brought me so much peace and joy and I think back to that night if I didn’t go small cosplay event that night I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I’ve doing cosplay for 5 years now and its been a wonderful experience. For those who never heard of cosplay and want to get into it I would tell new creators, just be yourself and do whatever character or mix it up with a combination cause no cosplay is perfect. I’ve seen amazing cosplay work that folks made from sewing machine, to cardboard boxes, etc. You don’t have to be rich or anything to do cosplay, I started off with simple Halloween costumes and leveled up my material in my costumes from other designers I met at conventions and build a good relationship with them. So any costume can be start from scratch and turn into something spectacular and mind blowing for the world to see. My cosplay costumes got me places I’ve never dreamed it would take me. I’ve been on front newspapers covers, internet website even overseas in japan on their websites and im very humble and grateful for that.

What I enjoy most creating or how thing turning out is the excitement from people especially the kids. I bring so much joy and happiness becoming their favorite character. Past few years I’ve join an organization that benefits kids with down syndrome, autism, etc. These kids go thru so much and by me and other put on a performance for this is worthy because everyday these kids are fighting for their lives and seeing their favorite character come to life makes them strong cause one day they talk about of becoming a character of their own to inspire others and it touches my heart dearly. I heard the quote and I stand by it every day, “its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice” because being nice is the easiest thing anybody can do no matter how bad life throws a curve ball at you, end of the day its always important to be nice to one another.

My social media platforms people can see my journey thru cosplay is Facebook : TABARES PEAKE INSTAGRAM : GREENRANGERSHRED288

ICC and TCC are honored to call Tabares Peake our friend, and we wish Him much success on his Journey!

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