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Coming Home: The Return of ICC Magazine! – ICC Magazine

Coming Home: The Return of ICC Magazine!

The Borderland Comic Book Show:
Pam Harrison repping the indy comics scene with magazines and original comics: A Deviant Mind and ICC Magazine.

What a year! Your ever-lovin’, ever faithful Chief Editor of ICC Magazine along with several other members of our amazing Staff have been DOWN AND OUT for the count for most of 2023! (That fall on Sept. 6 where I busted my ribs was the LAST STRAW. But am happy to report that as of today, my doctor says I am on the mend, all vital signs actually NORMAL for the first time in years.)
Not to mention a malware attack that took down the ICC website on 27 June. Destroyed everything. You guys almost lost me that day. 😞😭😭😭 The site as it stands is now rebuilt better than ever, and with the help of the wacky, way cool Wayback Machine website we are able to locate and restore all the amazing articles and Artist Spotlights, ComicCons and CosPlay, Comic Artist resources and all those other features from 2018 to Present that make ICC what it is.

Although I’ve been in and out of medical visits, even with the help of the Wayback Machine, doing the restoration all by myself, it is still going at a slow crawl. Anyone want to help me out? The pay sucks, though. I’m broke. But anyone who knows how to copy and paste and correct website links would be my hero.

But with love and persistence, we are all on the mend, and gearing up to make ICC Magazine bigger and better than ever before. While we’re at it, I’ve got a GREAT idea for Co-Promotion to help Indies and ICC Magazine alike. Would you like the opportunity to list YOUR comics on our webshop??? All you have to do is submit your comic with the sales page information, we’ll add it to our Store, and you get to share links to your books to show and tell everyone all about ICC Magazine / The Independent Creators Connection!

Use this handy form at the link below to submit YOUR comics to our ICC BookStore! Share the word where EVERYONE can find your books, and help other Indie comic artists, too! Please no Kickstarters. We need links to give our readers where they can actually BUY YOUR BOOKS.
Thanks, and Peace Out
ICC Magazine/Independent Creators Connection
Facebook: ICC Independent Creators Connection


To Submit Your Comics to Our Shop, Contact Us HERE.

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