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Introduction – ICC Magazine


Hello ICC readers, I’m elated to be the newest member of the ICC team and would like to introduce myself. I am a self taught cartoonist from Eastern Canada and have been publishing my own comic book series independently for two years. The fourth issue of my series ‘Badger” is currently in production and a trade paperback collection of the first three issues is available on Amazon.

I have been featured on podcasts most notably, Dollar Bin Bandits and Words Images and Worlds as well as published in several small press projects like, Small Press Heroes ‘Sunday Jam’ and Inx Comix. I have done several alternate covers for other creators as well as had work featured in collaboration with small publishers like Keyngdom Comics and Carrales Studios.

In fact, there is currently a crossover in the works of my own universe and that of Joe Carrales’ ‘The Improbable Girl and The Wonder Kitty’ that is penned and illustrated by Joe.

(Image provided by Carrales Studios)

Joe Carrales’ “Lost on the Trapped Planet’ is the 10th issue of his ongoing ‘The Improbable Girl and the Wonder Kitty’ series and is slated to be available this spring. At some point in the near future we will absolutely need to get an interview with Mr. Carrales as he has a deep catalog of indie publishing knowledge and content to explore.

Back on the subject at hand, I simply wanted to brag about my credentials and introduce myself as an indy creator, ally to the cause of small press publication and supporter of all the talented people I see and know. I can’t wait to bring news about small publishers to the wonderful readers at ICC and think this is the beginning of a very satisfying relationship.


You can find my book on Amazon here:

And follow any of my socials listed here:


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