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2021 – ICC Magazine

The Brittle Riders

The Brittle Riders, by our very own Bill McCormick, has won consistent accolades as one of the best modern versions of world building.  Reviewers have said it is “masterfully written with attention to detail and it sympathetically manages to bridge the gap between faith and technology.” While it’s a dark satire presented in a violent burlesque, it is also tome filled…

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Dairy Palace

Rage. That’s all Plugger could register. Fiery, burning rage filled Plugger’s soul down to the deepest crevice, the darkest corner. He wanted to scream, but convention would not allow for such an outburst.  He had to swallow it, deep, and bottle it inside as it sizzled and eroded his existence into gray misery. “Just answer the question, Junior.”  Detective Dan…

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