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Advertise – ICC Magazine
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Advertising Guidelines


General Advertising Information

Advertise with ICC Magazine! You have two options: Print advertisement in our comics, or promote your comic, business or Kickstarter projects on our website! Acceptable formats for print ads are:
All ads must preferably be 300 DPI, and be submitted in:

  • Adobe PDF
  • Adobe Photoshop TIF or EPS
  • Other applications as EPS, TIF or PDF

Click the images at left or right to get our DisplayRates-4pp.pdf. I will also design ads free of charge if copy, logos, photos and/or other graphics and fonts are supplied. There will be a charge of $25.00 per hour for author’s alterations after the second change is made final. For more information contact for availability or other questions.

Advertising is handled by Sword and Labrys Productions.

    • All ads must be turned in to Independent Creators Connection by the agreed upon Due Date. No exceptions will be made. Ads booked but not received by the Due Date will be billed at 100% of stated rates.
  • All advertising orders are accepted subject to the terms and provisions printed on the current rate card. Sword and Labrys Productions (SNL) reserves the right to omit or decline advertising, or suspend advertising privileges, for any reason, irrespective of the validity of the reasons for such omission, declination or suspension of advertising privileges.
  • Independent Creators Connection reserves the right to reject any ad due to editorial content. All ads for Previews must be “PG Rated�? – suitable for all ages. Ads for Adult Material cannot be run in ICC Magazine. If you feel that there may be a problem with the content of your ad, please send a copy to with a note explaining your concern.


Advertise in any of these publications using the dropdown menus below. Please consult for ad availability first. If your ad is submitted after deadline it will be slotted for a future issue. Thank you!!

Advertising in ICC Magazine:



Black and White Ad size

ICC MAGAZINE WEBSITE ADS(This takes the place of the former Project Wonderful option)

Website Ad Rates (Per Month)

A Deviant Mind comics


Ad size

Deadline for this promotion: Ongoing.
Service Provided by Pam Harrison, Sword and Labrys Productions
Banner: Huge discounts on your favorite comics @

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