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ICC Website’s First Post of 2024 – ICC Magazine

ICC Website’s First Post of 2024

Hello Everyone,

It’s 2024.

What can I say?  Well, I’ll start with Hello, everyone. It’s Me, and this is my very first post of the new year. 2023 to say least the least was a difficult year for a lot of reasons. Including personal. I know that I am not the only person that has experienced difficult times because we all do. It doesn’t make it any easier at all though when you experience personal loses. My parents lost their daughter, My niece lost Her mom, and I lost my sister in December 2023. I’m still trying my best to stay strong, my entire family is.

So, in this new year we must keep on creating. I think, in fact, harder than we did in 2023. I’ll be honest with you; I’ve had to do some soul searching in the last 35 days. I’ve had to dig deeper than ever before. I’ve had to try and find that “mojo” that I used to so enjoy for the last 20 years or so with that thing we call creativity. Sometimes in life, it’s not easy. I wouldn’t say that I’ve been in a slump these last 30 days or so, but something has changed in me. I have thought long and hard about what it is I enjoy about creating art or anything therewithin. I do realize that art for me and creativity is something that not only do I enjoy but it is also very therapeutic at times and immensely relaxing. Creativity itself I do believe is a lifestyle. I think that some people enjoy it more than others, and I do think that there are those who could care less about it. Day to day living is incredibly challenging for man people for different reasons at times. From the lowest paid server to the most powerful CEO of a corporation, no one is exempt from the challenges that life can bring. It is in the most difficult times that we must reach deep down and find our strength, find our purpose, find our calling. Some people find it early on in life, and then other people find it much later.

 One thing that I have discovered as I just went around the sun another year this month is that I know for sure that I have little tolerance for adults who linger in foolishness or bickering. Life is just too short to entertain that mess in my opinion. Of course, they will always exist and be on this planet with us, but I am making it my goal to not entertain those folks any longer.  Those people who live for anarchy and bitterness, you go your way and I’ll go mine. Simple as that.

What am I going to try my best to entertain in folks who enjoy creativity as I do. I will make a sincere attempt at making sure that we can share visions this year, share knowledge, share insight and whatever other meaningful attractions that can benefit the creative world. I want to learn what I haven’t learned already; I want to seek those avenues that can make me a better individual and a better creator. That is what I want to seek in 2024. One of my personal goals as an artist and creator is to become a better digital colorist. I’ve mentioned numerous times of the last few years that it takes time to learn a new trick. I think when you do though, it is so satisfying. Who doesn’t enjoy satisfaction? I think most people do enjoy when they learn something new. So, I will keep on trying.

As I enter 2024, I do know that I am entering it as a new person. My life has indeed changed. People’s lives change every day. Sometimes though, things can become a bit clearer. It depends on what one goes through, and yes, we ALL go through something and some point in our lives, whether we want to or not. Whether we choose it or not. I think the best thing we can do as a people though is trying to live every day to the fullest. Try to grab that ray of sunshine that will give you a sense of purpose and makes your smile a little more meaningful to someone. I am going to try my best. I want us all to succeed as creators and I want us all to make a difference, and I know that is what my sister would have wanted. Let’s all do better in 2024 than we did in 2023.


I’ll always Love You, Sis.



Teresa Baker

Sunrise May 23, 1971- Sunset Dec 7, 2023



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