ICC Magazine showcases the best and brightest stars in Independent Comics and offers tips and advice for upcoming artists from the pros. If you thought there were no inspirational material or resources for Independent Comic artists, let us be your guide! Independent Creators Connection is your creative nexus! ICC Magazine: Where Legends Are Born!
Terance Baker, Bill McCormick, Pam Harrison, Austin Allen Hamblin
Magazine Type Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 52
Exploring the Infinite Universe of Independent Comics! Join us for the ICC Magazine Summer 2022 Edition! Join us in an interview with Sean Frye, creator of a number of superhero comic series: Youth Mob, Naturalites, and Team Apex, as he outlines his plans to reinvent both himself and his art to introduce to the world his dreams: Biff! Bam! Boom! Comics! Thrill to the Interdimensional Anime Lesbian adventures of Ruby and Rosa who battle a demon and suddenly find themselves in a new dimension, a new life where they can be in a loving relationship without having to hide it from the world like they had to back home. Before long evil villains make their way to Second Earth through a portal crack and put the girls’ brand-new new life in jeopardy. Explore Zee Bee’s Our Little Universe, available on Tapas. Our Feature Artist Spotlight––Thomas Tenney is a legend in the realm of comics. But his path to fame and fortune is not as linear as you might think. He took some time out of his busy day to sit down with ICC and tell us about the journey. This is the story of how he went from working with Ronald Reagan, yes – that one, to working on Creepshow and all the stops in between. The Overstreet Comic Books Price Guide! Banned books! Wakanda Forever Preview! Hottest Summer Comics For Kids! The Incredibly Talented Nominees and Winners of the 2022 Eisner Awards! Including a guest article called Draw It Yourself! by Austin Allen Hamblin.
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