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Massive Publishing Joins With Lunar Distribution! – ICC Magazine

Massive Publishing Joins With Lunar Distribution!

THE NEWS IS OUT! Massive Publishing adds Lunar Distribution and launches new sub-distribution initiative “Massive Indies” for independent publishers and self-published studios! 🎉
Part of this strategic partnership with Lunar Distribution is the launch of Massive’s newest initiative, Massive Indies, a sub-distribution program aimed at helping independent publishers and self-published studios get their books onto comic shop shelves worldwide. This will be an open platform for submitting titles for consideration in the Massive Indies solicitations of the Lunar catalog. Unlike the more common imprint model for publishers, this sub-distribution model will allow each publisher/studio to maintain their absolute independence and control over their publishing line. Massive is prioritizing publishers affected by the recent news of Diamond Comic Distributor’s Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filing but sees this as a possible game-changing process for creators to access the direct market without signing deals which compromise their intellectual property rights.
Our goal is to ensure that indie comics continue to make their way onto the shelves of comic book shops and ultimately into the homes of readers.
Massive will begin to solicit products through Lunar Distribution starting in February.
For publishers and studios interested in Massive Indies, here’s the application form:

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