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Baker’s Articles #4, SEAN FRYE is Making it Happen! – ICC Magazine

Baker’s Articles #4, SEAN FRYE is Making it Happen!

Hello everyone and welcome to Baker’s Articles number 4! Here is Yet Another amazing creator Mr. Sean Frye, You have to check him out, He is doing wonderful things in the arena of making comics!  Another superb creator who has got a handle on what he wants to do in this industry! I enjoy watching my fellow creators bask in the joy of making comics and following their dreams and & Mr. Frye is definitely doing just that! When You get a chance check him out! You can find him on FB at :


Here is a little bio on him:

Hello, my name is Sean Frye and I am the creator of B!ff Bam! Boom! Comics a.k.a. 3Bcomics. Growing up, inspiration was all around me, from the tv shows I watched to the comics I read. I always dreamed about one day making my own comics and from that moment I decided to make it reality, so at the age of 12 that’s where my journey began. I began writing and creating my own comics, and as the years passed I never let my love for comics vanish. In 2018, I took the last step to truly make my dream a reality and Biff! Bam! Boom! Comics was made. Since creating this company, I’ve experienced many highs and lows, but we learned from those experiences and continue to grow and become better than we were before.

Recently, I launched a Kickstarter campaign, and it’s been a huge milestone during the growth of my company. This kickstarter campaign is for the launching of my superhero comic, ‘Team Apex: Zero Issue.’ This issue is the kickstart of my comic book universe, and a glimpse of what to expect from 3Bcomics years from now. If you would like to support our Kickstarter, please check out

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